Tuesday, February 11, 2014

My Inspiration

A busy couple of weeks! Sorry for falling off the face of the earth. Haha

I've been working on a piece that's very personal. The meaning, I'm not really allowed to elaborate on. However, this is rooted in the fact that, whenever I do dream, I only have nightmares. Strange, I know. But this is basically a snapshot of one of my dreams.
When I presented it to my classmates, they immediately said "It reminds me of something about domestic violence." Definitely not at all what I was trying to do. Nonetheless, I'm happy with what has come of it.

Also, another big thing that has been encouraged at my school, is to read. Blogs, Facebook pages, magazines, anything that will bring inspiration to our photography. So, I've started doing so. Mainly on Pinterest, if I'm going to be honest. You can see my Photography board here if you'd like to take a peek into what inspires me.
I'd like to highlight a couple of my absolute favorite photographers. If I ever got to meet them, work with them, it would be a momentous  day for me. Even if my work was ever comparable to theirs to them, it would be a huge compliment.
Lara Jade Photography
Three Nails Photography (Hunter Leone)
Annie Leibovitz
I would highly suggest you guys take a look at their work! Especially if you're like me, and are interested in going into portraiture / beauty side of photography.
