I'm so excited about where my photography is going. I've been doing a lot of shooting for Art Directors around my school, and all of the projects are coming along well. Most of them, right down my alley! I'm starting to get into some videography, too. Which is intimidating. Nonetheless, I'm enjoying the experience!
Crazy to think that I only have 9 months left at the school. With all the first-quarters coming in a couple months ago, it made me feel old, in a way. I feel like I just came in, like all of them, with no clue what I was getting myself into. It has been the hardest journey I've had to make, but so worth it.
Now to start thinking about
after school.
When you're graduating high school, it's like the most stressful time of your life; Everyone asks you what you want to do with your life, and you have to make sure you don't screw yourself up. I never realized how hard graduating college would be. Now I have to be a big girl. Granted, I still have 9 months to figure it out - find a job - get on my feet. But still, if over a year has gone by this fast, I can't imagine only 9 months.
Once I get some of this stuff edited, I'll be sharing. Between my own school, and all the school I'm helping others photograph, I'm swamped. But enjoying every minute of it :)

Okay, here's a little somethin' ;)