Saturday, April 20, 2013

Patience is a Virtue

I'm super excited to show you guys some stuff that's coming up.
I did my sister and boyfriend's band photos, but I'm not allowed to broadcast them everywhere. Once I get the green light, I'll definitely let you in the loop. I'm very excited about them. Lots of advanced (for me at least) editing went into these. So I'm proud of myself. Haha

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Product Illustration

   Part of our class this quarter of Product Illustration, is to learn how to take pictures of aluminum foil. This was fun and interesting. I enjoyed taking it, since I've danced for most of my adolescence and teen years, and interesting in the sense that it's an aluminum foil tutu.
   And thank you to my beautiful model, who was so patient with me, Jackie!
   Sorry that the quality is so terrible, but I hope you guys still enjoy it :)

Thursday, April 11, 2013

My Color Life

I finished my first week as 3rd Quarter! Our classes are awesome this quarter, and I'm super stoked to be diving into such great stuff.
One of my teachers is teaching us Color for Photographers, which is pretty much Color Harmonies and what colors go together and the message they get across and all that jazz.
Anyhow, she's having us keep a "Color Journal" of our realizations and observations about our "Color Lives."
It's been very interesting so far. I bought a journal today for it, and the first thing I wrote about was movies.
Once you're given this information, you start to see things you didn't see before.
I have noticed that every movie I like, are all the same when it comes to coloration. All very dull, low saturation and low contrast, lots of blue undertones. Not very lively at all. Yet, I'm somehow okay with that. I like the look that these casts give the mood of the movies.
Next, I wrote about my clothes.
Everything I own is blue. Or pink (/off pink... Coral, those types of colors). I feel so cliche for wearing what is the majority of peoples' favorite color. It gets my gears going, I guess.

We'll see what else I'll discover about my color life! I'm thinking I'll write about my makeup choices next. Haha

I'm also in the process of making a... very interesting piece for my Product Illustration class. It involves aluminum foil, lots of hard work, and a ballerina. I'll upload the finished product Monday ;)

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Hilton Head Island 2013

We did a few of James's senior photos on the beach! Enjoy...

Jones-Minix Engagement!

My first engagement shoot EVER. And I had a ball. A couple from my old church got engaged around Christmas, and are marrying in May or June. I forget. Anyhow, it was a great experience, and look forward to how they enjoy their pictures!

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Hilton Head Island 2013

One of many adventures with my sweetheart we'll be making back to this splendid island.

If anyone knows me, they know how much I love everything old fashioned. And I love biking. This community is the perfect combination of just that. Everyone bikes everywhere. And there's just simplicity.

A shot I got at the beach.